The electricity industry faces a huge challenge. It’s estimated an additional 1,100 new employees are needed in Aotearoa each year to meet current demand for electricity.
Ka nui te wero atu ki te ahumahi hiko. Kia 1,100 kaimahi puanō e hiahiatia ana ia tau ki Aotearoa nei, kia tutuki ai te tono hiko

To meet our immediate need here in the Far North we have employed 4 people from Fiji with a proven track record in the field. Their skills, knowledge and high level of capability make them an excellent addition to the team at Top Energy.
This year with our eye on the future, we continued to strengthen and grow our local capability. We hired an additional 8 local trainees instead of the planned 3.
Even if they decide to become qualified and then explore the world, we find that Far North people like to come home when they are ready to settle down. We want to enable that future and we want them to come back to us.
We are also fortunate to add a vegetation assistant and a graduate engineer to our team from further down the motu.